Pregnancy Coach The Hague region

A pregnancy coach offers you support and guidance during your pregnancy that suits you and your birthing journey with expert and compassionate care. We have bundle you with meaningful lessons, education and support so you can have a confident, powerful birth experience.

Contact us for a no-obligation intake conversation.

Help yourself to listen to your pregnant body, gain your power and look forward to your birth with confidence.

The delivery and birth of your baby is one of the most intense and unique events you will ever experience together! It has a huge impact on both the baby and the parents. It is a magical but also a vulnerable time in your life and that is why it is so important that you as a team are well prepared together. With the right information, it will give you more peace and confidence to positively support the delivery process, however this will go, and at the same time offer a good start to a new life.

Feel fully bundled with all our expertise and experience we have to offer during your pregnancy!

This pregnancy coach package consists of: 

  • 3 prenatal visits at your house.
  • Lots of useful information and support including; we work together on your preference, fear/control, strength/relaxation, expectations and wishes.
  • During the home sessions you will receive movement suggestions (rebozo methods), massage/pressure techniques and breathing exercises.
  • Spinning Babies parent class method (when desired or necessary).
  • Mindfulness Giving Birth techniques (when desired or necessary).
  • Vansi's Essentials (including command ball, penut ball, tens, etc.).
  • 1 postpartum visit; follow up, help, massage.
  • I am available throughout the period via email, whatsapp and phone.
  • Available for inquiries up to 3 months postpartum.

Pregnancy coach package extra:

  • For 1 year you can follow all pre- and postnatal classes unlimited.

You will be guided during and after your pregnancy.

You pay €587.- for this pregnancy coach package.
VYou pay €987 extra for the pregnancy coach pack.
To be paid in parts in consultation, total amount paid before week 36.
*The package can be customized if desired.

Even if you do not have a partner, you can also book one of these packages.

You usually need additional insurance for reimbursement. It differs per supplementary insurance what and how much you will be reimbursed. For questions about reimbursement, it is best to contact your insurer directly. your partner may also receive compensation!