Learn to tune in to your pregnant body

Learn to tune in to your pregnant body

Learn and stay tuned in your pregnancy, to what your body wants and asks of you, from moment to moment. You could learn to listen better to your pregnant body and it would be easier to tune in to your body, your feelings and your baby during childbirth. you...
make the right decision

make the right decision

By knowing what you want and what is good for your child, you make the right decisions. By informing yourself well and not just going along with what is usual, you can tune in and make decisions with your heart and stomach. When you're all the way behind...
Mindfulness in your pregnancy

Mindfulness in your pregnancy

Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced pro, we all have questions about meditation at some point, such as; How can I see if it works? What should I do if...
gestational dementia

gestational dementia

It pays to become aware of your thoughts, especially now that you are pregnant! To calm your mind and not pay so much attention to it and determine if they are true and meaningful. You cannot feel and think at the same time! So every time your thoughts...