In this blog we go naked! All shame overboard. We don't talk about the pregnancy ailments and discomforts during your pregnancy, but unfortunately they are there. Fortunately, everything will be fine and you will soon or have just brought a beautiful baby into the world. Then you have forgotten all the inconveniences! Or not?


Hemorrhoids are definitely number 1 of embarrassing pregnancy ailments… Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in your anus.

During your pregnancy, your hormones are extra active and some can affect the connective tissue. Connective tissue is the bed along which blood vessels are led to the organs. In combination with the extra pressure on the arterial walls, unsightly veins can then move around

the anus arise. It is therefore important to maintain a strong, elastic and flexible vessel wall.

In addition, your hormones ensure that your stool is harder, so you have to do your best to get rid of it. The combination of weak vessel walls and hard pressing is the cause of hemorrhoids. How can you prevent hemorrhoids? Drinking plenty of water and eating fiber-rich foods is very important. Do you already have hemorrhoids? Curanol ointment is recommended.


You are more likely to have discharge during your pregnancy. It's very harmless, don't worry. During the last month of your pregnancy, your discharge may become even more and watery. It is best to wear cotton underwear and do not wash with soap to avoid getting a yeast infection.


I forgot about everything during my pregnancies. I couldn't remember certain words and was usually late to all my appointments. Where exactly does it come from? Sure enough, there they are again, the hormones. They also play an important role here, and we are mainly talking about progesterone. Your body makes a lot of progesterone during pregnancy. Scientific research shows that the increased amount of progesterone has an inhibitory effect on the parts of the brain where memories are stored and retrieved. So it's not surprising that you have a lot of 'senior moments'. On the other hand, the activity in the parts of the brain for emotional skills increases. And that improves the bond with your baby.


Pregnant women are more prone to bladder infections. But because of all the changes in your abdomen, you feel less likely to have a bladder infection. Signs that you have a bladder infection during your pregnancy include an unpleasant feeling in your lower abdomen, urinate more often than normal and more hard bellies than normal. Are you in doubt? Have your urine checked. How do you prevent a bladder infection? By urinating well and tilting the pelvis forward on the toilet while urinating. The advantage of this is that you also have to go to the toilet less often. Lots to drink, including cranberry juice. And don't delay your pee.

Bleeding gums

It is important to brush your teeth well during your pregnancy. It is said that every pregnancy costs you a tooth. Better blood circulation and slightly swollen gums increase the risk of bleeding gums. And that makes you more prone to inflammation of your gums and teeth.

Leaky Breasts

During your pregnancy you can already leak some milk. This often happens during the last few months. There's little you can do about it. What can you do? Use nursing pads in your bra.


This one is also very embarrassing… mold. The word alone.

This can occur because your vaginal acidity changes during your pregnancy. Signs are pain, itching, red, gritty discharge. If you recognize the symptoms, go to your doctor. To prevent a fungal infection; it is best to wear cotton underwear. This is breathable and cool. This makes your vagina less attractive to fungi, which like warm, moist places. If you already have a fungus, wash your underwear at a very high temperature to destroy the fungus. When washing, use only water and no ordinary soap. Regular soap kills the bacteria that can resist the development of the fungus. Vitamin C also seems to help. Vitamin C increases the acidity in the vagina and the fungi cannot stand it.

restless legs

This one is also very recognizable. Many pregnant women experience restless legs. It has to do with your blood circulation. This is slower and therefore you can have these complaints. But iron deficiency or heredity can also be the reason. A few good tips are:

  • Drink enough water
  • Stretch and stretch regularly throughout the day
  • Massage your legs
  • Try to get regular exercise
  • Wiggle your toes and turn your feet every now and then
  • Take a warm bath before bed
  • Alternate with cold and warm compresses on your legs
  • Try to keep your iron level up, possibly with supplements
  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule

Try to avoid these things:

  • Coffee, especially before bedtime
  • Other caffeinated drinks such as cola and some teas
  • Drinking alcohol (as a pregnant you already left this off of course!)
  • Watching your phone, tablet or television from your bed
  • Smoking (also of course you had already stopped!)
  • Naps, especially not in the evening


During pregnancy, many women suffer from nighttime calf cramps. There is no single cause of calf cramps during pregnancy! It is a combination of one or

more of the following factors;

Fatigue; Due to weight gain during pregnancy, the muscles in your legs carry more weight. It takes your leg muscles more effort to bear the weight, so that the muscles tire more quickly. Rest regularly and avoid standing for long.

Deficiency of important minerals and salts; you now also share the minerals in your blood with your child, so a shortage of important minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, arises more quickly. You can supplement this by eating foods that contain these minerals, such as yogurt, nuts, coconut water and bananas.

Disrupted blood flow; As the uterus grows, it can put pressure on the veins in your legs. This disrupts the blood circulation in your legs. To promote blood circulation, you can lie on your left side or put your legs higher (on a pillow) or up (on a chair).

Insufficient movement; Although calf cramps can be caused by fatigue, insufficient exercise can also be a cause. Make sure you exercise enough, but of course also take enough rest. Take a walk or walk the dog, that's enough.

moisture deficiency; A lack of fluid in your body can also be the cause of calf cramps during pregnancy. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Milk, fresh fruit juice and decaffeinated tea and coffee are also available.


That itching is very annoying! This is due to the stretching of your abdomen. But better blood circulation can also be the cause or dry skin. 

What can you do about pregnancy itching? 

  • Don't dress too warmly.
  • Shower and bath not too long and not too hot. This dries out your skin.
  • Applying a moisturizing cream or skin oil will keep your skin well hydrated and help prevent itching. Preferably use an unscented variant.
  • Menthol powder/gel are available at the pharmacy or drugstore and can relieve the itching somewhat.
  • Wear cotton clothing, these are air permeable and allow your skin to 'breathe'.
  • Cold, wet compresses on the itchy areas also provide relief.
  • Drinking plenty of water also helps prevent your skin from drying out.

Fluid retention / Edema

Fluid retention occurs when there is a disruption in the moisture balance of your body. Via your bloodstream, fluid is shed to the tissues in your body. Normally these are not large amounts of fluid and you hardly notice it, but your pregnancy can disrupt this process. This has several causes: The pregnancy hormones make the wall of the blood vessels thinner. This makes it easier for fluid to flow from the blood vessels into the tissue. The growing uterus puts greater pressure on the pelvis. This impedes the blood flow from the legs to the heart. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in your body increases. This puts more pressure on your legs.

What can you do yourself:

  • Drink plenty of water and tea: By urinating more often, the excess fluid is drained.
  • Try to eat as little salt as possible: Salt makes you retain more moisture, and you don't want that!
  • Put a pillow under your legs before going to sleep: Sleeping with your legs up allows the moisture to drain more easily.
  • Try to move your legs a lot: By moving you stimulate blood circulation, which in turn helps to get rid of the excess fluid.
  • Keep yourself cool in hot weather: As temperatures rise, you will be more prone to edema. For example, put your feet in a cold bath to prevent swelling.
  • Give your swollen legs and feet a massage: By massaging towards the upper body, you push the fluid out of your legs, as it were. Of course you can also have your partner do this!
  • Wear compression stockings: Compression stockings put pressure on the legs, making it less likely for moisture to build up.


Because your body changes during your pregnancy, the position of your stomach also changes. And your esophagus closes less well. This can cause heartburn. Bah! You experience a burning sensation in your chest.

What can you do for heartburn?

  • Eat healthy and high in fiber. Do not eat too fat and avoid alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, carbon dioxide, too much dairy and spicy food.
  • Eat smaller meals more often, rather than a few large ones. Take small bites and chew enough.
  • By lying horizontally, the acid flows more easily into the esophagus. So don't take a nap right after dinner and don't eat before going to bed. You can also raise your headboard slightly when you go to sleep.
  • If, despite your pregnancy, you smoking† this can also cause heartburn.
  • Also stress can cause heartburn, talk about tension issues and try to resolve them.
  • If these tips do not help, you can take medication. Your midwife can help you with this and recommend a medicine that you can safely use during your pregnancy.


Last but not least…constipation. During pregnancy, your intestines work a little more slowly. As a result, you often have fewer stools, the stool can also be drier and harder. Eating fiber-rich foods such as raw vegetables, fruits and whole grains can help. You can add some bran if you like.

Exercise is very important for bowel movements. Make sure you get enough exercise every day.

If you feel the urge, go to the toilet right away. Don't put it off because you're too busy or because it's not convenient for you. If you ignore the signal, the urge, too often, your body will warn you less and less that it's time to go to the toilet. As a result, the stool stays longer in your intestines, where it will dry out further and more, especially in your large intestine, the last part, and become more difficult to squeeze out. Take your time! Once you are on the toilet, sit quietly for a while. tilt your pelvis back and prop it up well on your heels. As a result, you relax and your stool will eventually come naturally, even if you have a less strong urge.

Do you want to relieve your pregnancy ailments and discomforts? Then sign up for Yoga & Pregnant at Vansi Yoga in Wassenaar and The Hague. It really works and you can also do the exercises at home!