The time we spend in the womb, and how we are born is truly meant to be the gift of a lifetime…for every child!
Which yoga class can I take during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is not a time to push boundaries, but rather to lower the intensity, connect with your body and baby and relax. Listen extra carefully to your body. When you're pregnant, you produce the hormone relaxin, which causes...
Back to nature outdoor Mama Move Strong
Studio Vansi goes outside! Fortunately, we can go outside again and we will. With the outdoor MomWorkout you work on condition, maintaining and improving your strength, stability, vitality, flexibility and moment for yourself together with other pregnant /...
Baby milk from bottle is stiff from microplastic
Researchers have found that plastic bottle-fed babies ingest more than 1 million particles of microplastic every day. The microplastics appear to be released mainly when the milk is heated and then shaken. But also...
Learn to tune in to your pregnant body
Learn and stay tuned in your pregnancy, to what your body wants and asks of you, from moment to moment. You could learn to listen better to your pregnant body and it would be easier to tune in to your body, your feelings and your baby during childbirth. you...
make the right decision
By knowing what you want and what is good for your child, you make the right decisions. By informing yourself well and not just going along with what is usual, you can tune in and make decisions with your heart and stomach. When you're all the way behind...
Mindfulness in your pregnancy
Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced pro, we all have questions about meditation at some point, such as; How can I see if it works? What should I do if...
gestational dementia
It pays to become aware of your thoughts, especially now that you are pregnant! To calm your mind and not pay so much attention to it and determine if they are true and meaningful. You cannot feel and think at the same time! So every time your thoughts...
10 yoga exercises to shine as a mother
Have you ever looked in the mirror after a good yoga class? Your eyes glow, your face is soft, your cheeks are tan and your posture is relaxed but strong. Photos of people before and after a yoga class show it: yoga makes you more beautiful. Not only on...
How do you listen to your pregnant body?
Listening to your body is important. Not only when you are pregnant and about to give birth, but just always. But how do you do that? Mindful birth will help you! The trick is to let go of your expectations during birth...
Parental leave to be extended in 2022
Parental leave is a statutory scheme that you can use if you have children under 8 years old. Your salary will not be paid for these hours, but this arrangement offers you the opportunity to spend more time with your family. What keeps...
stay in touch with your baby
Each day your belly gets bigger you wonder what things will be like when you give birth. There is no guidebook for how to peacefully be pregnant and give birth. Be in the moment But you can take a deep breath, put one hand on you heart and the other hand on your...
Pregnant and the coronavirus
Giving birth is an intimate job. And intimate affairs take place when you are relaxed. If there is something important about your birth, it is relaxation and confidence. Your body will not let the baby go so easily if you are full of tension yourself! Since we...
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