

I am a mother of two beautiful daughters; Madelief and Feline. Being pregnant was a huge revelation for me and a very special and intense period in my life. It brought me to a deeper sense of trust, connection and got to know a primal power within myself. I have developed a great admiration for the female body. Childbirth is such a magical thing, not only your baby is born, you also change from a woman into a mother. And that doesn't just happen, of course a pregnancy precedes that. It's a transformation process, just like giving birth. Something you can look forward to with as much confidence as that little miracle itself.

My first birth inspired me in such a way that I continued to develop and deepen myself. It has brought me to my current work, in which I look forward to with great pleasure and attention mama's (and partners) guided in their pregnancy and preparing them for childbirth. In the meantime I have been able to beg many women and their partnersleiden on their path to parenthood.

I am also a doula and maternitycoach I guide and support upcoming mama's (and birth partners) before, during and after the birth. To gain more confidence, to find balance and to have a positive feeling before the birth. So that it becomes an experience that you choose. I support everyone with a personal touch and respond to the wishes and needs that are at play. Every person is unique and so is every pregnancy and birth. It inspires me to be so desirous of women.leiden that they have confidence and I want to support you in this with a lot of love.

Education and training:

  • BRM® Birth partner training
  • BRMethod® training
  • Naoli Vinaver; workshop challenging births-preventing and solving childbirth difficulties
  • Bia Doula Workout
  • Anna Verwaal: workshop caesarean section deliveries
  • Gail Tully; Spinning Babies® parent educator training
  • jennifer walker; Spinning Babies® workshop
  • Anna Verwaal from womb to world; symposium hormonal physiology of the birth process | reading pregnancy and birth | 2 day deepening conception, prenatal period and birth pattern.
  • Liz Koch; training Stalking wild Psoas | workshop Psoas during pregnancy, birth and postpartum | caeserean workshop – scare tissue
  • baby bliss yoga; training prenatal yoga
  • Nancy Bardacke; Mindfulness-based childbirth and parenting trainer
  • Birthlight Postnatal Yoga Training | Baby Yoga Workout | Pelvic floor workshop
  • Saswitha training for yoga and philosophy | Specialization year of prenatal yoga
  • Parent & child coach training
  • focus coach
  • Byron Katie; The Work® certified facilitator
  • Ayurvedic Nutrition