It pays to become aware of your thoughts, especially now that you are pregnant! To calm your mind and not pay so much attention to it and determine if they are true and meaningful. You cannot feel and think at the same time! So every time your thoughts run wild again, turn your attention to your body, your breath, and your heart.

We don't see things as they are

we see things as we are!

The advantage of being pregnant is, as we get further into the pregnancy (from about the second trimester), our thoughts seem to fade by itself. This is also called zpregnancy dementia

Cause of gestational dementia?

This is because our body switches off our brains, as it were. During pregnancy, the brain adapts and the gray matter shrinks in a certain area of ​​your brain that has to do with empathy.

In addition, lack of sleep is a major culprit during pregnancy. The brain needs to be recharged at night, the experiences you have gained during the day are processed and stored in the right way at night. Taking short naps and waking up more often at night (especially in the first and third trimesters) results in less charging time and therefore less energy, which means that your memory also lets you down faster.

Progesterone inhibits the part of your brain where your memories are stored. Your body is gushing with hormones during your pregnancy and progesterone is one of them. The increased amount of progesterone has been shown to inhibit parts of the brain where memories are stored and retrieved. 

Then we have choline, this nutrient is first absorbed by your baby to form your baby's brain. Then there is often little left mama about what affects your memory capacity. you can overcome this by eating some choline rich foods such as; egg yolks, beef, soybeans, nuts and citrus fruits. Good for both of you.

For you, the most, most, most important thing in your world right now is what's in your belly! So small things let you go as if by themselves and no longer interest you. Because letting go of these unimportant things helps you focus completely on what really matters, your baby!

Why does gestational dementia develop?

It has many advantages because research shows that a smaller brain mass (due to the shrinkage of the gray brain) works better during pregnancy and you focus more on your inner world, 'your baby' than on the world around you. Which is good for you and your baby. This way you can tune in better, let your intuition leiden and preparing for childbirth to be able to surrender completely in the moment.

It will go away by itself! But it can take up to about two years after you give birth for your brain and gray matter to recover.