Mama Move Strong (pregnancy training)

De mama move strong lessons give you a positive feeling and a healthy boost!
Responsible exercise during your pregnancy prevents and reduces complaints and ensures that you go into labor as fit as possible.

A good condition of body & mind,

is the best preparation for childbirth and the time after.

De Mama Move Strong class (Floor® Pregnancy & Recovery Training) is active, aimed at maintaining and improving your strength, stability, vitality, flexibility and has a positive influence on your energy level, your overall well-being and a good condition for body & mind.

The class is a combination of light cardio, strength endurance exercises and active, expanding movements. This has a positive influence on you and your growing child and ensures that you start your birth and future motherhood as smoothly and fitly as possible. Exercising outside gives you positive energy!

The Floor® Pregnancy & Recovery Training has been specially developed by pelvic specialists/physiotherapists! 

Mama Move Strong

Monday evening; Tjalie Robinsonduin (outside)
Thursday evening; Esperanto Square (outside)
Friday morning; Esperantostraat 10 (inside)

By actively moving together in the open air in a professional and responsible manner, you promote and stimulate, among other things:

    • Remove ENERGY BLOCKS in your body and reduce the amount of STRESS HORMONES.
    • Prevents and reduces physical COMPLAINTS and COMPLICATIONS during your pregnancy and delivery.
    • More confidence in your body and it positively influences the delivery.
    • A FASTER RECOVERY after giving birth.
    • Keep or bring your CONDITION up to standard. 
    • Provides a RELAXING EXPERIENCE for yourself in the fresh air every week.

The weekly continuous lessons are together with other active (prospective) mama's and are taught in small groups.

You can join whenever you feel like it and continue with the lessons until your due date and beyond. We recommend that you start between 12 and 25 weeks during your pregnancy and from 6 weeks after your delivery. But you are also welcome if you can only participate later in the pregnancy or after you have given birth, it always works to your advantage!

For this lesson you do not need to bring anything (except a bottle of water). During the winter period, we recommend wearing several layers and wearing a hat and gloves. This way you stay warm and you can enjoy sports in the fresh air.

The lessons are also easy to combine with our other weekly lessons. Choose your membership, strip card or follow a trial class. Between the memberships there is a price advantage and extra options!

It is also possible to continue after your delivery. Your membership and payment can be stopped from your due date up to a maximum of 3 months after your delivery. 

De Mama Special lessons provide, among other things, more knowledge and depth.

The next 'Mama Specials' are offered:

  • Birth Circuit (BC); we go through many birth positions through a circuit
  • Birth Breath (BB); all breathing movements that are important in childbirth are offered
  • Birth Together (BT); this is a fun prenatal yoga class together with your partner :)
  • Birth Mindset (BM); positive mindset is very important in childbirth! How do you do that and how to deal with stress & anxiety in childbirth
  • Mama Mindful (MM); in this lesson there is attention for your new mamas. We talk and share, but there are also simple exercises to really experience relaxation and respond to peace and tranquility.

Sign up for the Mama Specials via Wed online schedule.

In addition, we offer for all (upcoming) mama's within our community, who need explanation, support, questions and/or guidance it MAMA SUPPORT moment online On. To register via theschedule.